
A log of updates with the latest features added, improvements made.

May 8, 2024 - Launch 🎉

On Wednesday May 8th officially launched and allowed users to create an account. We also launched on Product Hunt that day, and became number #4 Product of the Day. You can see our launch here.

As of today we surpassed #3 and #2 in Product Hunt upvotes. Unfortunately, we are still #4 of the day.

May 31, 2024 - Knowledge base

The first big feature we add is the most requested one - the Knowledge base. Where you first needed to instruct the agent in the Instructions text field of max 1500 words, you can now upload almost anything in the knowledge base:

  • Your website (by simply adding your website-url)

  • Your company's files (pdf, csv, docx, etc.)

  • Plain text

  • Youtube video url

When a customer asks a question and the AI phone agent does not know the answer, it will query the knowledge base and get the answer. This process takes about 2 seconds, and in the meantime the agent will still be speaking.

So the agent will look into the knowledge base, at the same time say something like "Let me look up that answer for you..." and in the meantime the answer is found and the agent will answer the customer.

Jun 30, 2024 - Agents coming to life

We thought it'd be nice to make our agents come more to life. So, we've given every agent a face, a name, a color, and you can listen to their voice!

Here are some voices you can choose from:

Next to this, we simplified our agent setup flow, so that it is even easier to set up your agent.

Now, there are only 3 setup steps:

  1. Choose a voice & language

  2. Add instructions

  3. Add a phone number

Jul 1, 2024 - Affiliate program

Just one day after the previous update, we launch our Ringly Rewards Program. With our affiliate program, you can sign up in literally 1 minute, and receive your affiliate link immediately.

You will get 20% lifetime recurring commission on high-ticket prices.

Get yourself a passive income stream by recommending on your socials, website, blog and newsletters. As long as the customer pays, you'll get paid. You can join our affiliate program here.

Jul 10, 2024 - AI analyzes calls

AI now shows you the call sentiment using Positive 😄, Neutral 🙂, or Negative 🙁

So you know in one glance what happened! See below:

We also added these super important metrics:

Other things we added:

  • A call summary

  • Task completion status

  • Who hung up the phone

Last updated